Sunday 13 July 2014

Busy weekends at Florli

Sunset after a busy weekend in Flørli

Just want to say thank you to all those that have visited us over the last few days. It has been very busy and we had a husband and wife team on, which worked very well. We really enjoyed having the Rockman competitors and supporters around Flørli on Saturday and all of the many people that dropped by on boats and seemed to be very much enjoying this glorious summer. I hope I haven't spoken too soon, but it has been pretty good.

The Rockman competitors, supporters and volunteers

I'll try and put a ferry schedule on here or at least a link. I have taken a picture of the timetable on the wall, but think it is a bit small so will take another. Plus the Stavanger post leaves on wednesday and friday as well so it isn't quite perfect.

So thanks again for all your visits, apologies that sometimes we run out of food, but it isn't that easy getting things 30+ kilometers down a fjord with no roads. Thanks for your understanding ;)

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